blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: NOVEMBER 2 - The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - All Souls --- Tifkira Solenni tal-Mejtin Kollha - 2 ta' Novembru

Thursday, November 03, 2016

NOVEMBER 2 - The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - All Souls --- Tifkira Solenni tal-Mejtin Kollha - 2 ta' Novembru

From the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska - Divine Mercy in my Soul
- Encourage souls to say the chaplet

1.    1541. My daughter, encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given to you. It pleases Me to grant everything they ask of Me by saying the chaplet. When hardened sinners say it, I will fill their souls with peace, and the hour of their death will be a happy one.


Write this for the benefit of distressed souls; when a soul sees and realized the gravity of its sins, when the whole abyss of the misery into which it immersed itself is displayed before its eyes, let it not despair, but with trust let it throw itself into the arms of My mercy, as a child into the arms of its beloved mother. These souls have a right of priority to My compassionate Heart, they have first access to My mercy. Tell them that no soul that has called upon My mercy has been disappointed or brought to shame. I delight particularly in a soul which has placed its trust in My goodness. Write that when they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the merciful Savior. 

Mid-Djarju ta' Santa Fawstina Kowalska - Il-Ħniena Divina Ġewwa Ruħi 
- Ħajjar l-erwieħ jgħidu l-kurunella.

1541. Binti, ħajjar lill-erwieħ jgħidu l-kurunella li Jiena tajtek. Jiena nieħu gost nagħtihom dak kollu li huma jitolbuni permezz tal-kurunella. Meta midinbin b’qalbhom iebsa jgħiduha, Jiena nimlielhom ruħhom bil-paċi, u s-siegħa tal-
mewt tagħhom tkun waħda hienja.

Ikteb dan għall-erwieħ li jinsabu għaddejjin mill-għawġ: meta ruħ tinduna bis-serjeta’ l-gravita’ tad-dnubiet tagħha, meta l-abbiss kollu tal-miżerja li fih hi ntefgħet jidher quddiem għajnejha, hi m’għandhiex tiddispra, imma bil-fiduċja għandha tintefa’ f’dirgħajn il-ħniena Tiegħi, bħalma tarbija tintefa’ f’dirgħajn l-omm maħbuba tagħha. Dawn l-erwieħ għandhom dritt ta’ prijorita’ fuq il-Qalb ħanina Tiegħi; huma l-ewwel li jilħqu l-ħniena Tiegħi. Għidilhom li l-ebda ruħ li sejħet il-ħniena Tiegħi ma ġiet iddiżapuntata jew umiljata. Jiena nitpaxxa b’mod speċjali b’ruħ li poġġiet il-fiduċja tagħha fit-tjubija Tiegħi. Ikteb illi meta huma jgħidu din il-kurunella fil-preżenza tal-moribond, Jiena nidħol bejn Missieri u l-moribond mhux bħala Mħallef Ġust iżda bħala Salvatur mimli ħniena.


All souls conquering fear of death - Published on Nov 2, 2016

One of the alternative Gospels on The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
Jn 6:37-40 -- I will raise them to life on the last day - Jiena nqajjmu mill-imwiet fl-aħħar jum

- NOVEMBER 2 - Gospel on The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) - Tifkira Solenni tal-Għid tal-Imwiet

Ġw 6:37-40

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann

F’dak iż-żmien: Ġesù qal lin-nies: [Ġw:6:37] Dawk kollha li jagħtini Missieri jiġu għandi, u min jiġi għandi ma nkeċċihx 'il barra; [Ġw:6:38] għax jiena nżilt mis-sema mhux biex nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħi, imma  r-rieda ta' min bagħatni. [Ġw:6:39] Issa r-rieda ta' min bagħatni hija din: li jiena ma nitlef xejn minn dak kollu li tani, iżda li nqajjmu mill-imwiet  fl-aħħar jum. [Ġw:6:40] Din hi tabilħaqq ir-rieda ta' Missieri: li kull min jara lill-Iben u jemmen fih, ikollu l-ħajja ta' dejjem u jiena nqajjmu mill-imwiet fl-aħħar jum."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


From Malta, Paola Cemetery Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows (Addolorata) --- Concelebrated Mass presided by Archbishop Monsignor Charles Scicluna, on the commemoration of all the faithful departed, ALL SOULS.

Mill-Kappella Sant Marija Addolorata, fiċ-Ċimiterju, Raħal il-Ġdid, Malta --- Quddiesa konċelebratha mmexijja minn Monsinjur Arcisqof Charles Scicluna, fit-Tifkira Solenni tal-Mejtin Kollha - Published on Nov 2, 2017


Paola Cemetery Chapel Our Lady of Sorrows (Addolorata) - Photos - Peal 1 (1,2,3) - 3 Bells / 3

Pope speaks of hope while saying Mass for All Souls Day in Rome cemetery - Published on Nov 2, 2016

To keep updated on the main activities of the Holy Father and of relevant Vatican events this day November 2nd, ALL SOULS,  visit - 


2 Nov – All Souls, Indulgences, and YOU!

Requirements for Obtaining a Plenary Indulgence on All Souls Day (2 Nov)
  • Visit a church and pray for souls in Purgatory
  • Say one “Our Father” and the “Apostles Creed” in the visit to the church
  • Say one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary” for the Holy Father’s intentions (that is, the intentions designated by the Holy Father each month)
  • Worthily receive Holy Communion (ideally on the same day if you can get to Mass)
  • Make a sacramental confession within 20 days of All Souls Day
  • For a plenary indulgence be  free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin (otherwise, the indulgence is partial, not plenary, “full”).
You can acquire one plenary indulgence a day.
A partial indulgence can be obtained by visiting a cemetery and praying for the departed.  You can gain a plenary indulgence visiting a cemetery each day between 1 November and 8 November. These indulgences are applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory.



Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Requiéscant in pace.


Agħtihom, o Mulej, il-mistrieħ ta' dejjem
 Id-dawl ta' dejjem jiddi lilhom.
Jistrieħu fis-sliem.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them
May they rest in peace.


Heavenly Father, in union with the merits of Jesus and Mary,
I offer to You for the sake of the poor souls
all the satisfactory value of my works during life,
as well as all that will be done for me after death.

I give You my all through the hands of the Immaculate Virgin Mary,
that she may set free whatever souls she pleases,
according to her heavenly wisdom and mother's love for them.

Receive this offering, O God, and grant me in return an increase of Your grace.



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